scapegoat studios is an emerging post-modern production company.
we create original, issue-based stories for film, television, and scripted audio. our mission is to represent under-served communities that are often ignored onscreen.
myths from the African diaspora. satires on modern feminism. profiles on the members of the MGTOW movement. no matter the topic, we depict our subjects honestly. Even when their views challenge our own.

we are digital nomads.
our mail goes to hollywood but we produce around the world for a global audience. we speak to and are proud members of the generation who grew up on youtube and snapchat.
dalton scott founded
scapegoat studios in 2019.
why? because studios and large broadcasters around the world struggle to create the innovative and timely stories that our generation want.
our films, tv shows, and audio dramas are genre bending humour fests. we make it easy for audiences to listen and understand experiences outside their own bubbles. Because real change comes from empathy. By bringing rarely heard stories into the spotlight to spark conversation, we build bridges of understanding.
genre is a state of mind at scapegoat studios! Don’t expect us to ever shy away from shining a light on bold, untold stories from the margins. Because connection comes from us listening to each other, even when it's hard.